Saturday 1 March 2014

Looking SHARP at Nyabirerema Primary School

Moses showing off our new school values system
This week, we got one of my pet projects off the ground.  We created our school-wide positive behavior system (PBS) with our teachers, a way to positively motivate pupils to show good behavior. We brainstormed as a staff and came up with the acronym "SHARP" to show what behaviors to encourage. Sharing-Honest-Active-Respectful-Punctual. We had a great staff meeting and came up with a points system to track which groups had the best behavior.

We also initiated School Families, small groups that meet on Fridays with one teacher to discuss a topic of the week, such as malaria, hand-washing, hygiene and HIV. The points for our school-wide PBS are collected for each School Family team (each one has an African country name) and collected at the end of the week on a giant grain-sack tallying the points. We want to encourage students at the school to show respect and good behavior not only to their peers (there's a lot of pushing and grabbing) but also to their teachers. This is one way to motivate and encourage students positively, and hopefully reduce the frequency of caning.

Suggestion box for School Family topics. Ideas include hygiene, sanitation, road safety, malaria and life skills.

We also spent an afternoon building tippy-taps (hand-washing stations using jerry cans) and then had a hand-washing event on Friday. It was awesome! We had each School Family meet to talk about the importance of hand-washing and read the hand-washing Big Book. The students before had no way of washing their hands after using the latrine, a scary thought to how many germs are crawling around. Now we have two hand-washing stations outside the latrines and the kids are so excited about it! They seem to be using the latrine twice as often just so they can wash their hands....

Finally, at the end of our hand-washing event and as part of our PBS, each group sent up their best-behaved pupils to play games. I played a hand-washing relay game with our participants using our Base Pack, provided by the Kings Volunteer foundation.

Frank helping to build the first tippy-tap

Davis is a rockstar and made our tippy-tap building possible by preparing everything! He won this month's Teacher of the Month award

Moses demonstrating the tippy tap!

Our work is done! Thanks P6 boys for the help

School Families: talking about why washing your hands is important

Friday is School Families Day

Look SHARP! Sharing-Honest-Active-Respectful-Punctual.
Our class prefects after performing skits demonstrating SHARP!

Skits performed to act out each good behavior! Which one is this one?
Our staff after School Families. The winner this week is Uganda!

Paul showing our School Families progress chart for SHARP!

Our staff meeting to discuss positive behavior systems and our model PBS at Kira Primary School

Hand-washing game with the #BasePack

Hand-washing and teamwork

Thank you #KingsVolunteer for the base pack!

Our new Teacher of the Month Award

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